Velkommen til webinar om nasjonalt UNESCO-arbeid, et samarbeid mellom UNESCO i Norge og Storbritannia. Webinaret vil ta for seg modeller for UNESCO-steder og initiativer, med fokus på samarbeid mellom UNESCO-steder og mellom land.
Webinaret blir på engelsk og følgende informasjon blir gitt på engelsk:
Introduce Norway and Scotland’s UNESCO-designated sites and explore Scotland’s UNESCO Trail and the UK Local to Global Project as a model of inter-designation collaboration at the national level.
Following the conclusions of the first national meeting for UNESCO designations in Norway, held from 9th-11th May 2023 in Larvik, the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO is collaborating with the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO. The purpose of this collaboration is the organization of a webinar focused on exploring inter-designation collaboration between UNESCO-designated sites.
- UK National Commission for UNESCO and the UK’s UNESCO sites
Over the past few years, the UK National Commission for UNESCO has been working to build resilience and support for the network of UNESCO designations across the UK. This includes its landmark research on the National Value of UNESCO to the UK Report, and its collaboration with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO on the Sites for Sustainable Development Report. This research has informed a number of different initiatives, including the Local to Global Project, Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, and a new map and campaign to promote the UK’s UNESCO sites.
One of the landmark initiatives has been Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, which connects the country’s 13 place-based UNESCO designations, including World Heritage Sites, Biospheres, Global Geoparks and Creative Cities to form a dedicated digital trail. It aims to take visitors on a cultural journey across the country experiencing everything from history to science, music, design, and literature to nature and cityscapes.
Designed specifically to support ambitions to make Scotland a world-leading responsible tourism destination, Scotland’s UNESCO Trail encourages visitors to stay longer, visit all year round, make sustainable travel choices, explore more widely and at the right time of the year, and in turn, contribute to the sustainable quality of life of those communities surrounding the designated sites.
- UNESCO Norway – National Commission for UNESCO
In the past ten years, the number and varieties of UNESCO designation have increased markedly in Norway. From seven world heritage cites, there are currently eight and Norway now has a Man and the Biosphere area, UNESCO global geoparks, Creative cities, UNESCO chairs, intangible cultural heritage on the global list and a revitalized UNESCO school network. The Norwegian National Commission has worked to increase knowledge about UNESCO programmes and networks and consistently supported initiatives to join the greater UNESCO family.
In addition, the Norwegian National Commission has an annual grant scheme that is used to support activities and initiatives in Norway to promote and support UNESCO values and work. It is important that UNESCO activities take place in all regions in Norway. This year, there were 24 recipients who received funding from the Norwegian National Commission.
The Webinar
This webinar will bring together the UK’ and Norway’s UNESCO-designated sites to discuss their experiences with inter-designation collaboration, and how national initiatives have worked with/for their UNESCO designations. These initiatives will serve as starting point for discussions on building effective networks, sustainable tourism and the values of inter-site collaboration.
The webinar will:
- Introduce UK/Norway UNESCO site models and initiatives.
- Hear experiences from UNESCO Sites on what various initiatives mean for their site.
- Provide an introduction to Norway/UK UNESCO sites and potential future collaboration.
- Discuss future collaboration between Norway and Scotland’s/UK’s UNESCO sites.
Date: 28th September 2023
1200-1205 (GMT+1) 1300-1305 (CET) | Welcome Welcome from Rebekka Borsch, Chair of the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO, and James Bridge, Secretary-General, UK National Commission for UNESCO |
1205-1220 (GMT+1) 1305-1320 (CET) | Scotland’s UNESCO Trail Anne Anderson, Chair, UK National Commission for UNESCO Gordon Smith, VisitScotland |
1220-1240 (GMT+1) 1320-1340 (CET) | Q&A and Discussion How to foster inter-designation and inter-country collaboration? |
1240-1300 (GMT+1) 1340-1400 (CET) | Creating and supporting UNESCO Networks Local to Global Project, Liam Smyth, UK National Commission for UNESCO Introducing the Norway UNESCO Network, Tanja Kristine Hegge, Secretary-General, Norway National Commission for UNESCO |
1300-1320 (GMT+1) 1400-1420 (CET) | Q&A and Discussion How to foster inter-designation and inter-country collaboration? |
1320-1330 (GMT+1) 1420-1430 (CET) | Wrap-up and Session Close |
Technology and Logistics:
- Online Platform: The webinar will be conducted using teams. The link will be sent to participants after registration.
- Registration form: https://response.questback.com/kunnskapsdepartementet/unescowebinar